CodeWriter Settings
Note: EHR/ADT Integration is for cloud customers only. If you are not a cloud customer, talk to your ZOLL sales representative for more information.
Admin users can navigate to Settings to configure integrations and custom lists for CodeWriter.
All CodeWriter settings are consolidated under CodeWriter Settings.
When CaseReview Settings is expanded, you have access to the following pages:
Barcode configuration
EHR & ADT integration
Before we talk about the integration settings, let's go over a couple of terms:
Electronic Health Record (EHR): An EHR is a digital version of a patient's paper chart. It contains comprehensive up-to-date information on a patient's medical history, including diagnoses, medications, allergies, treatment plans, laboratory and imaging results, and other relevant clinical information. EHRs are real-time, patient-centered records that make information available instantly and securely to authorized users, such as healthcare providers and patients themselves.
Redox: Redox is a third-party healthcare integration company that provides a platform for healthcare organizations to securely and efficiently exchange data with each other. We use the Redox API interface to make calls to the EHR.
Admission-Discharge-Transfer (ADT) feed: The Redox API ADT feed is a set of APIs provided by Redox that provides a standardized way for healthcare organizations to share information about patient admissions, discharges, and transfers, including demographic data such as name, date of birth, gender, address, and contact information.
Configuring the Electronic Health Record (EHR) integration
The EHR Integration setting allows CodeWriter users to document a code and then send that information up to the patient's EHR via Redox. To enable this integration, slide the toggle to the right and then enter a destination key (the key can be obtained from your ZOLL representative and Redox). When there’s a value in the "Destination key" field, discrete vital information from the case, that has been uploaded into CaseReview from an R Series device, will automatically be sent to Redox. Redox then converts that information into the hospital’s EHR format.
The EHR discrete vitals upload to the Redox integration engine includes the same retry service that CaseReview uses for uploads.
For testing purposes, a staging destination key is provided for use in your staging environment. After the transfer of data is thoroughly tested, a new production destination key will be provided for your production go-live environment.
Note: Once in the production environment, do not go back to staging. There are different destination keys for each environment, switching back to staging from production will cause issues.
Enable discrete vitals integration: When this option is checked, the manually entered vitals (i. e. blood pressure, heart rate, etc.) on the CodeWriter application will be sent to Redox.
Enable manual defib vital selection: When this option is checked, the vitals taken by the defib can be manually selected by the user to send to Redox.
Enabling Admission-Discharge-Transfer (ADT)
To enable the transfer of demographic data via the Redox API, slide the ADT Integration toggle to the right.
Creating custom lists using Event and Transfer Locations and Rapid Response Types
Use the Event Locations, Transfer Locations, and Event Types to create lists on your RescueNet CodeWriter Mobile app. Creating lists will speed up user input on their mobile device and create standardize entries from which reporting can be made.
: To add a type to a list, click Add location.
: Click the edit pencil to change the name.
: Click the trash icon to delete the name.
When you click Save, the addition/change/deletion will be pushed to the CodeWriter Mobile app on the device.
A couple of things to note:
"Rapid response types" can be enabled or disabled by sliding the toggle at the top of the category. If disabled, this list will not display on the mobile devices.
The "Code" entry in the "Rapid response types" category list is there by default and can not be deleted or edited.